Gaps of Ease


Gaps of Ease

Total installation approx. 800x500x230 cm. Steel, stainless steel rails and brackets, LED aluminium luminaires, photographic prints on Hahnemühle paper, plastic, chewing gum and polyester felt. Technical assistance: Malte Hauge, Jan Søndergaard, Jacob Thing and Jacob Klöcker Petersen. Practical assistance: Sofie Brag, Elise Daǧdeviren and pupils of Rude Skov Skole, dept. Høsterkøb. Supported by Danish Art Foundation, Dansk Tennis Foundation and Frimodt-Heineke Foundation. Photo credit: Viborg Kunsthal, Jan Søndergaard. Text: Nanna Balslev Strøjer.

The installation is a spatial abstraction over urban life, and the way in which the built environment stages the meeting with both ourselves and other people. Our physical and social behaviour in the public space is in a constant state of transformation. As society develops, communication methods and movement patterns are renegotiated and reinterpreted. The pandemic, however, has radically changed our perspective on and understanding of contact. Other bodies, surfaces and facades can suddenly seem threatening, and the way we go about the city has become a controlled and regulated choreography.

Gaps of Ease consists of a labyrinth-like construction of steel and light, where the walls are made of vertical blinds produced in various materials and transparencies; photographic prints of fragmented city scapes, filt, light filters and chewed chewing gum sealed in-between layers of plastic. The installation comes alive as you move through it and new spaces and material combinations reveal themselves between the gaps of the blinds, bringing an ease to the work – not only architecturally, but as a mental reminder of the ease of the free and uncontrolled city.


Sprækker af lethed
Installationen er en rumlig abstraktion over byens liv, og måden det byggede miljø iscenesætter mødet med både os selv og andre mennesker. Vores færden i det offentlige rum er i et konstant stadie af transformation. I takt med samfundets udvikling genforhandles og genfortolkes normer, kommunikationmetoder og bevægelsesmønstre. Ikke desto mindre, har pandemien radikalt ændret vores syn på og forståelse af kontakt. Andre kroppe, overflader og facader kan pludseligt være potentielt faretruende, og vores færden i byrummet forvandlet til en kontrolleret og reguleret koreografi.

Sprækker af lethed er en nærmest labyrintisk konstruktion af stål og lys, hvor væggene udgøres af lamelgardiner i forskellige materialer og gennemsigtigheder; fotografiske print med udsnit af bymotiver, filt, lysfiltre og gennemtygget tyggegummmi forseglet mellem lag af plastik. Værket kommer til live, når man bevæger sig gennem installationen, og nye rum og materialesammensætninger afsløres gennem sprækkerne mellem lamelerne – og giver værket ikke blot en arkitektonisk lethed, men minder os om letheden ved det frie og ukontrollerede byrum.

Gaps of Ease was part of the duo exhibition Step back, step back please with Andrea Ostermeyer (D)

Flower Installation by Signe Guttormsen and Andrea Ostermeyer. 300 m2 flower beds in 6 figures placed in the public transit area outside Viborg Kunsthal

Kategoriseret som Works