If Walls could speak

If walls could speak


Flags 350x220x20 cm. LED, translucent canvas and aluminium frame. Lamps Ø 30 cm, height 120 cm. LED, polycarbonate and printed PVC film. Client: Køge City. Architects: Rubow Architects. Studio Team: Iris Maass. Production Team: Okholm Lighting, Henning Jensen A/S. Photo Credit: Jan Søndergaard. Text: Signe Guttormsen. Public access all weekdays till 8 pm, outdoor 24 hours a day. Bygårdsstræde, 4600 Køge. Winner of Farveprisen 2019.

Based on the democratic principle that everyone is entitled to a place and to be seen and heard, the common urban space, and the development of this, is at the core of this work to and about the town hall. The flag, as a symbol of celebration and unity, constitutes the framework of the project, where 4 large light boxes are suspended in the indoor arcade of the town hall. They are accompanied by 12 coloured torch-like lamps, which in multiple tones light up in the new town hall entrance. The flags can be seen as an updated version of the town arms of Køge, in which God and the King have been replaced with an interpretation of democracy of today. The present and the past versions of the facades of Køge Town Hall inspire the motifs of the flags, which with the added “guides” from the drawing program tool represent democratic process and adaptation.


Hvis vægge kunne tale
Med afsæt i det demokratiske grundprincip, at alle har ret til en plads og til at blive set og hørt, er det fælles byrum og udviklingen heraf kernen i værket om og til rådhuset. Flaget som symbol på fejring og sammenhold udgør rammen om denne idé, hvor 4 store lysværker er ophængt i rådhusets indendørs arkade. Værkerne ledsages af 12 farvede fakkellignende lamper, der i mangfoldige toner lyser op i den nye rådhusindgang. Flagene kan ses som en opdateret version af Køge byvåben, hvor gud og konge er skiftet ud med vor tids demokrati. Rådhusets arkitektoniske forandring gennem tiden udgør motiver, der med tilføjelsen af tegneprogrammets tool “hjælpelinjer” står som et billede på demokratisk proces og tilpasning. 

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